Monday, March 31, 2008 10:52 AM

I am in the English lab at this moment. I thought, after 6th form, there’ll be no more Mr Paul. But now, I have to face Mrs Paul. Ahahah. Sama jua buring nya. Woke up late again this morning and I blame Zul for not waking me up. Ahaha. Actually it was me who didn’t set up the alarm clock. I woke up at 8.15am and arrived at school 8.30am. nda jua geragas, ganya mandi itik. Ahahaha.

by the way, i love the picture below macam kami di venice sulnya. hahaha. i wish

Majal miss ah. Ganap2 sama ulah nya nie macam Mr Paul. Membuat summary, report exercises. Ahaha. Ngusut bah aku ah. Bah I think that’s all for now. Nanti tani ceta gi. K tata.


Sunday, March 30, 2008 11:23 PM
mY Sunday Night

Went to watch PS i Love You last saturday with si saii♥
i heard Razdey one of the Blututs cried when watching the movie, well..we did cry alright, we cried so hard coz the movie sucked to the max! it was boring and we could not wait for it to end, especially si saii♥, eheh kesian ia, sorry saii nanti liat definitetly maybe ah.. *julur*

But at least i got to spend time with my muniir♥

P.S. i Love You, Muniir♥♥


10:14 PM

a Very Epy-iest Birthday BUTTER!!!

We lap You & Tenk Kiu for the Mac D..
and im glad you like our presents. =)

You noe You Love me


Saturday, March 29, 2008 10:42 PM
Helloooooo kawan-kawan~

batah udah rasanya ku nda memblog. hehe. i AM busy readers. i AM busy with reports, assignments and of course my phase tests. by the way i got 100% for maths test yang assignment punya. ehehe.

well, so many things to be told. i woke up late this morning, around 8.15am and my class started around 8. and my baby membanguni aher. ahahah. kira kan salahkan ia laa nie. then rushing mandi and etc sampai skulah around 8.40am. Zul was preparing for hiking with his best friend.

after skulah, went to Bandar with Zul. we went to yayasan and main arah arcade. siuk berabis and then we went to Bengkurong Masin sal kan makan soto. ahahha. jauh wa tampat kami makan soto ah. i was really full and it was my baby's treat. makaceh darling. ehehe. then we went to this Akira arah Madewa jual murah berabis. mun udah dvd player harga 30. ahaha. murah ta udah tu eh. and i bought a vacuum cleaner for my mama. hahaha.

then, we went to the First Emporium arah Madewa jua and meliat2 barang dapor ku. Zul minta balikan kutak yang ada mainan isinya yang harga nya 50cents ah. caranya minta balikan, he was standing next to the rack and said, "Lai, abg mao anie.." macam membari kasian and so i bought one for him and once we were in the car Zul opened it and ada whistle, key chain, sponge and mainan la mostly. hahaha. lame berabis kali. after a while he said he wanted more of this mainan and of course i said no. ahaha. macam mama yang melarang anaknya daripada membali barang.

then we went to Batu Satu and jalan2. puas udah ku jalan2 di Mall and that's why we jalan2 sana. hahah. Zul developed some pictures he got from his camera and and then we went to pasar malam gadong and i bought some dinner untuk di KB and umah Zul. pas tu balik kb and here i am blogging this post.

last few days, siuk jua sal Zul and i went to Giant and i (again) bought some groceries. udah balik umah i cooked ayam masak sos tiram. glad every one liked it. i fell asleep after cooking etc. tired berabis. apa nda after skewl jalan sampai malam. around 11pm we went to Seri Qlap Mall for some midnight movies and we watched Shutter that was in English version. siuk jua laa as i never watched the first version before, and one thing that made me realise if antu urang putih inda ku takut if antu urang jipun takut jua ku, ahahhaa. i was screaming for few scenes and Zul was covering my mouth sal ya cakap i was making noises. what do you expect? it is a horror film. ahahah.

thats all for now people. tata. i love my baby Zul. ehehe


9:20 PM

we're having BBQ now..well,mengajut plng..sempena belated bday si Awang Hadi yesterday

Hepy belated bday Awang~~

makanan yg indah~


Us..he's so cute right? yea.. i know~

Toodles! maksu udah dtg..buzy cikit,p aku cibuk2 mengedit gmbr hehe..
bah sapa mmbaca ni dtg th kumah..sementara ayam masih ada!!

update tuk aizah: ia tdi kmiri ma abg &mama nya..&& ia ada bli kn aku bju!! HAHAHA..

p/s: Aiira shopping,ia sedang mencari tuttttttttttttttttt! HAHAHAHA


3:56 PM
mY Saturday

Looks like i am the only rajin blogger here =D

CO mark was out today and i got 70. YAYYY!! Merit! hehe I din expect that cause i was not satisfied with my performance, i was quite nervous. i wonder what si Pan-Pan got, he did quite well.

We got 68 for BE, for the survey thingy. I am very proud with my group, they are the Best!!

Went shopping with Butter last night and it was fun, shopping is always fun! *giggles*
It was Butter who wanted to go shopping in the first place, but it was me who seem to be excited trying to find clothes for myself. I got one new kiyut clothes for Butter's Birthday tomorrow and one sport pants.

Pan-Pan : YupYup Pan!!! lupa ku psl ku manang 1 gem psl kau kana sabotaj oleh durang c Zue

You noe You Love me


Friday, March 28, 2008 5:06 PM
Ways of killing time during Lecture

Nyum Nyum~ iklan Maggi (bdw this was during my lunch time)

was bored during i played Muniir's♥ handphone

si Saii♥ men PSP

Muniir♥ buat =) He was bored during Acc Lecture.

You noe You Love me


2:32 PM
mY Thursday

Had CO presentation yesterday, am thankful it was over coz presentation sucks big time..
After class muniir♥ and i went to eat at Pizza Hut coz i was craving for beef lasagna. Muniir♥ was given a survey from the worker and the questions were pretty annoying in a funny kind of way and i could not stop laughing reading si saii's♥ answers.

Qsn: Suratkabar yang selalu anda baca?
Ans: Suratkabar lama..

Bknnya nda inggui jwapannya a2..

Qsn: Dari mana kah anda sebelum ke Pizza Hut?

Den si saii♥ said, "bknnya nda mbag marah questinnya ane, ani pun kan d tnya"

After that, we went to Qlap to watch PS i Love You.Unfortunately, the only show available was at night. So we end up watching 27 dresses, it was fun too.

Then Muniir♥ sent me home, coz he and his fwens already had plan to have a boring Dota Night that evening.

Meanwhile, i on the other hand went to Zue's Birthday Party with Sahmi de Pan-Pan, Khai,Razdey, Wullu and Iqqy. It was fun fun and fun! coz Sahmi de Pan-Pan and i played DDR, that was the first time i ever played DDR, and DDR is extremely fun, although i lost all the game to Pan-Pan by a few points, i would like to clarify here a few means d different were between 1 to 10 points only.We always made a new record,ah Pan-Pan ah =X
i won fan for the lucky draw.

Aiira &Khai's and Sahmi's & Razdey's Fan *bah smuath d sabut nah nmanya* =p

You noe You Love me


Thursday, March 27, 2008 11:54 PM
Lil' girl bday party

Event for today:Izah's 1 year old Bday partayyy

Her Cake :) Creamo~

The cute bday gal (i dont have her picture with open eyes,silau ia kana flash saja)

Kids..they love people taking thier picture.

Aca's sisters! too bad i didnt take picture with Aca

The most hyper & talk-like-a-women kid of the nyte!!
[she loves to touch my b*obs,basar kali ahhh :8)]


Wednesday, March 26, 2008 8:59 PM

-25th march-

-21st march-

-7th March-

-6th march-

-2nd March-
-24th Feb-


Tuesday, March 25, 2008 10:59 PM

hi all..
lama dah nda post smting..
okay i'll make it short

Yesterday,Amoi,Awg,erah,Lan& I went to bndr.As usual,went to Nini's place,lunch at food court mall,bought hotdog from DQlove(aizah tu punya psl,jeles kan aku ia bli blizard ka apa tu arh DQlove *nda besanang kan bediet*),ke kominis(sp?),straight to nini's place again && our final makrojaya.HOHO. mls kami kan keGIANT psl nya durg pyh parkingg.Laalaala..
Teka apa ku bali arh makrojaya ah.. Stickers C.Ronaldo 7 ku!! HAHA..sama utk simpan kad lesen saja.&&kopok..later at night,liat ceta 30days of night,boring hero nya ah..prasan hero lah tu slamat kn Love nya..good looking plng p kan boring ia jadi itam ah..mati ka tu?? ntah ah.

Today..erm..woke up around 8am.terus tengok dvds,fat girls sama who's ur caddy?..
at 5pm,me&Lan went to supasave,bali kek Huda,buns& kan jln2 lagi takot mkin byk kn di bali,so trus balik umah..haha..boring
7.30pm,Huda lanja us di wywy. kanyang,den mkn kek lagie..mkin knyang kuuu.oh btw,kami smua 5 org(nini nda dpt dtg..lau ia ada dpt jua bully2 cikit hehe)..den sii Yush bawa2 raun kadai,pegi soon lee..didnt buy any. the end~
sorry guys no photos maybe later?nda janji oh..

aahh..boring eehh..nda tia ngntok..

bah babaiiii..
Lama dh nda edit2 gmbr..huhu..


2:06 AM
Bunga-Bunga Cinta♥♥♥

Flowers that si saii♥ bought for me, kiyuttt..sayang si tua ku Muniir♥ ku brabis =)

You noe You Love me


Monday, March 24, 2008 2:12 AM

Pillow i bought for muniir♥ for the 3rd monthsary and he♥ loves it..
i'm glad you like it saii♥ coz i love it too hehe kiyuttt~ mcm aiira saii

and tenk kiu to Butter for being so nice to accompany me shopping, Laps u But..

Should have taken muniir♥'s pix with his pillow..forgot to do that, nanti tah

You noe You Love me


Sunday, March 23, 2008 12:27 AM
Language expert =X

aiira은 귀엽다 - Korean

나는 나의muniir을 사랑한다 - Korean

eu amo o muniir - Portugese

C.Ronaldo gosta de me - Portugese

aiira はmuniir を愛する - Japanese

le muniir m'aime - French

e suis été ennuyeux superbe, il pourrais détruire - French

i learn how to write in other languages! rugged~

Sie wissen, daß Sie mich lieben


Saturday, March 22, 2008 11:04 PM
Bring It On

im sexy, im cute, im popular to boot
i'm bitchin, great hair
the boys all love to stare
i'm wanted, i'm hot
i'm everything you're not
i'm pretty, i'm cool,
i dominate this school
who am i, just guess, guys wanna touch my chest
i'm rocking, i smile
and many think i'm vile
i'm flying, i jump
you can look but don't you hump,
i'm major, i roar, i swear i'm not a whore
we cheer and we lead
we act like we're on speed
hate us cause we're beautiful
well, we don't like you either
we're cheerleaders
we are cheerleaders

Cheers from Bring It On..Rugged~

You noe You Love me

私はmuniir を非常に非常に愛する

9:24 PM

Raya 2006 or was it 2005?
Aiman, ili's Kiyut little Brother

Mai's engagement

Epy Time!!

Old pictures that i have found while killing the time..
Saturday night sucks

You noe You Love me


2:19 PM

The places..
once were filled with good time and bad time,
they are what we called, memories,
good and bad, worst and best,
once in a while, funny feeling will appear.

If this is how it feels,
you must have felt worst,
after all, you live there,
or maybe you has adapted well to the feeling,
but i am sure it will come and go once in a while,
i am sorry for that, i truly am,
it must have been painful for you.

Dont get me wrong,
i would not trade what i have now for something else in this world,
i am happy, very.
i guess the memories just cannot be erased,
they will be kept in the very deepest part of my heart..

Friday, March 21, 2008 10:22 PM
B-O-R-I-N-G = Bosan

Current mood: keboringan
current Location: My Room (dimana aircon telah kehabisan gas)
current body temperature: bloody HOT!

Gila panas eh..
alert!alert! Global warming!!!
Panas ku..lps mndi plng ku ni..yatah kmu2..tutup tah aircon kamu tu..mkin panas wah dunia ulih kmu.jgn th lagi pkai aircon! (kes sakit ati aircon bilik ku nda baik) mcm th psl aircon saja jdi global warming.hoho

i'm bored to death! mcm ari jumat lagie..nda baik ckp nda tntu wahhh! haha *inside joke*

what i've been up to lately? nothing.. just playing guitar hero..kdpur memasak (mcm bnr) bersih kan garage. duduk dpn computer..watching shin chan arh internet.. perangai pun cm shin chan udah..hoho

yg bnr nya kan si aira srh aku update..
p nada jua apa2 kn di update
eh ada ada! ucing ku si gamok (ucing yg tertua yg perlu dihormati di rumah) ilang udah..berminggu2 udah :( maybe she's dead.. kasian.. kta Lan ia nda mau liat kn ia mati dpn tuan nya so ia ilang kn diri bfore mati..MAYBE plng tu.. brg kali ia ada tuan baru kalie.
gamok i mish u... come back..


surrriee ra te of9 pslnya laptop amoi tiba2 lagg brabis.surieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *big wet eyes*


9:58 PM
SUPER bored


bored to death

boredom strike

bored as hell

in d state of losing my mind


i have got nothing to do..
i do have a list of activities that i can do..
  • posting up old pictures
  • searching skins for Sahmi's Blog
  • Watching serendipity(sp?) & others movie that i have taken from Khai
  • Practicing & preparing for my CO presentation
  • Doing Accounting Tutorial
  • Studying for BE test
  • Watching TV
i manage to come up with quite a few activities but then again i am so not in the mood to do any of those things..

bhapa th ku ne?
mnalur th sj x..
si jati ane ilang tia jua, jbur th bnr anak ane..

i am super bored.. it could kill..

You noe You Love me


3:41 PM

epy-iest 3rd monthsary saii♥

i Muniir Banyak-Banyak Brabis-ly
so so banyak i lose count of them..

aiira ♥s muniir

Thursday, March 20, 2008 9:28 PM

Hi semua! it's been a very hectic month for me before the semester break starts. lots of things happened.

usu aizah kawin, lunch out ngan aira, yusriman and haniza (siuk berabis sal aira jadi mangsa saja), arguing with my baby, and that was on my first day of period. what do you expect? emotions plus hormones would give you an eruption from mount Pinatubo - 1991. ahahah. apakan? mental la ku tarus sal kana paibunkan saja. pi things get better once i slept it off. sorry baby. sayang jua ku lakat tu kan c bao ah. then we went jalan2, we had dinner di tamu selera Bandar and jalan2 membali arang dapur d SKH Q-lap together. then balik umah, my baby made me a burger. nyaman berabis and the next day, ya buatkan ruti jon. suka berabis jua ku tu sal nyaman. ehehehe. i love you so much bao...

tests are just around the corner. tadi i had a nap til 7pm. ntah maybe i was tired. yesterday, around 3.45pm my lab was done, i went home straight away as i was supposed to be in Miri before 6pm. kan mengambil my papa. eheheh. been driving like a mad girl, laju laa tu sal my mum kept on calling me, enquirying where i was. then baru sampai umah around 4.45pm. so sejam ja, nda jua laju kali tu ah. andang dri bandar ke kb sejam jua. ehehe. then i tarus changed the car and drove off using the prado with my mama and lil bro.

sampai miri, my dad alum arrived. luckily i brought along my lappy and watch some ANTM there. hate that Saleisha because she is a bitch. apata gi Jenah, Bianca. most of the ANTM finalists are bitches. winner pun bitch. sanak ku meliat ulah bisdia anie nyanta. hahaha. then, around 7 tu baru ta nampak my dad lambai2 dari jauh arah arriving hall. iski ku sama adi ku lambai2 balik. peduli apa urg kata, sama jua he's my our papa. xp

since my dad hasn't come home for at least 2 months, i told him my mum and i went to tv brunei and made an announcement like this "Pulang laah bah, anak2 & isteri mu menunggu mu". then we went to Imperial Mall, i bought a pillow. bantal kapok bah. nyaman berabis lau di limpangi. and a pair of contact lenses. my bro membali naindah macam nda sadar banyak.

before i sign off, check this video out. it is so hilarious and ikhwan & i laughed our heads off. (lupa ku cana kan add video yata miani ja, ehehe)

& i miss my girlfriends. we will have so much time for merabih-ing time ku cuti nanti. out to study lu. and last but not least, i love my baby Zul.

good night peeps. selamat menyambut maulidur rasul


Tuesday, March 18, 2008 10:09 PM
Mother + Daughter Bonding Time...

Haiiiiii!!!hehe hapy ja bunyiku..dahal nahan rasa..gatal bnr gusi kuuu...baru bagas jumpa my orthodontist tad pagi..ia katatkan basiku..ukan katat benda lain ah :P

Waaaaaaa..hengku ni..panat rasanya..hehehe aku tukar color gold my bracie...bling2..hehehe tad kan me n mom jln2..dari pagiiiiiii smpaiiiiiiiiiii ptg...hehe afta my appointment kami k KB town..k Bank first menyimpan usin..ada jua dlm sejuta..hahaha lapas atu kami mkn rah Ciken Rice..aku mkn nasi cornbeef yg kurang sedap rasanya..hahaha mayb sal aku ngusut gusi ku gatal...iatah ilang selera..hehehe so i hav no choice but 2 blame that nasi..hahaha wat da heck? *heng bnr2 tah ni* Emmmm afta that ma mom mau buat foot-scrub rah KukuBa dengan terpaksanya seikhlasnya aku melayannnn..heeeee aku mlss kan mood bah..sangal2 menunggu ma mom k kadai CD ku..belurih jua 3 DVDs n game2 baru..hehe sekali ma mom ciap...dgn sarcasticnya ku puji kakinya cam urg 20 taun...hahaha sasax mommy..she knows yg aku nda ikhlas..kekeke my bad thennn..tap i really2 enjoy jln wif ma much FUN!!! n i dun think my mom felt da same way hahahaha sal aku ngusut n bein noty ol da timeeeee...hehehe nahhhhhhhhh~~~~~~

EmMMmMmmMm...apa gi ah????????EMMMmmmm atu ja activiti2 ku tad sama ma thats it! Babaiiiiiiii~~~~~~~

P/s: Mish Abg Min..


Sunday, March 16, 2008 8:59 PM
Fun!Fun n Fun...........

Hai all..its me again..ur 1 n ONLY cutie frend..hahaha well today was so much fun..laughing all the way..haha story of the day goes to Abg Awg GIGIRAN a.k.a abg c bunal a.k.a my cuzzy..hehe caliieee beravis wa ia gigiran..semua urg kacau ia..mcm aku laughing sampai kuar air mata..cali bannaaaaa tah 2..hantap :p ask tah c zaty..caliii kan jaty???majal...hahahaa 10q jaty dtg tadi sama cygku c lan...hehe tap kecian jaty ia selesama ah..get well soon frend!

Besides that funny closing ceremony..ceta dulu apa yg terjad earlier..hehehe woke up awl, tulung2 cikit2...hee durg ma mom n uda masak2..mama mai buat kelupis2 n kari..nyum2..rombongan durg usu dlm 30+ urg lah..aku tukang ambil video saja..hehe lapas2 a2 begambar2 tah balah family usu mahani then kami2..afta jaty pulai..sesi membuka hadiah pun berlangsung..haha rugi jaty eyh nda liat *dahal sengaja* hehe jaty ada adiah oven tuk buat pizza ah!!!aku booking..haha sekati ah :P usu2 ckp 10q adiah kamu semua..airaa lawa tile ah..mai capi2 baju baby ah..jaty lawa cwn2 ah.. atu lah usu ku ckp!!hehe

I think thats it 4 today..emmmmmmm babaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii thennnnn~~~`


4:14 PM

Went Jungle Tracking last Saturday.. Suprise? yup i bet you are especially Mai..she knows how hard it is to persuade me to do any sport especially as extreme as this one, well for me this one is extreme.. i din noe what come over me, dengan kerelaan hati, i joined the Blutut; Sahmi, Khai, Razdey, Butter & Nazmi, Miss Jijah & her son & oso Mr Siva were also there, i tot it might be fun and i tot i could handle it, i mean how hard can it be right? just do it slowly and i'll be able to reach the top, boy, i was wrong.. it was hard..i got dizzy, felt like vomitting & i could not breathe i just gave up, but it was fun.. & setinggi-tinggi Tenk Kiu to

Double R aka RAZDEY RAZIQ..
for being so nice to accompany me to go back down the hill. You R D best..

but then, i secretly tink he also wanted to go back pasal ia lampoh hehe nadawah razdey

will that be my first and last jungle tracking session?
ntah oh was fun..mebe i started with the wrong step, i was drinking pepsi and eating beef lasagna before that, my stomach hurt after a few minutes of climbing but den again i am never a sport person.. if i do join them again i'll just go with something easier just like what i did after i gave up yesterday,
Razdey & i did a little bit of exercise, kan Razdey?

You noe You Love me


Saturday, March 15, 2008 11:09 PM
Im back!!!!

Hehe Finally baru tah i got time 2 blog...lidah ku tegigit tad..sal kwn2 ku rindu aku kali!!hahahah busy waa n exhausted(sp?) from my usu punya wed ah :P now watchin manU lwn..buchukkk ronaldo :P iatah nda concentrate memblog..hehe
OK then..first ceta dulu apa ja ku buat tad..pagi2 dah k SunLee sal membali ciken2 mantah n other stuffs tuk tomolo..usuku balik 7 hari..hehe mkn2 rah ayamku wif ma uda..then time ku memilih2 ciken mantah ada tah kwn2 c jaty menagur..c Sham n c Fizu..durg pun kan bali ciken jua..hehe lapas a2 k Nanyang membali present tuk usuku..model keta ku bali..antam saja lah :P janji ikhlas ah...atu ja lah activiti2 ku..hehe
Yesterday aku interview d Megamass..hehe durg col masa last monday ah..baru jua kan relex2 kononnya afta wedding ah..kali ada tah kana pggl..rejeki2..aku apply ani pun thru email masa lamaaaa udah..baru tah kanan panggil..oke jua..kana suruh menaip lagi..iatah mun aku kana terima ada drug col...hope dpt :P gaji part-time model c ikhy nda cukup wa...ahahhahah
Emmm..apa gi ah??buh2 dtg tah blurr ku..ahhh pix2 time usu kawin nanti ku post ah..byk hantap!!nanti ku pilih2...wait ah..ahhh to my frends..mai n aira..gudlux tuk exam kamu..chaiyok!!!to zaty..i mish lan too..hehehehe :P jan lupa dtg isuk!!
Bah thats it i nx time..babaiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~

8:57 AM

Found this From Qamarulz's Blog..&& it cracks me up!
so decided to post it here..Enjoy!

calie kannn~
i thought she was singing Mariah Carey's song in her language..panya~ lain plng..haha


aizah i miss u :p
bah memblog tahh~ ahaha


3:06 AM

Hi People~

its been a long tyme since i have been blogging properly, right? but, then again what is a proper way to blog? nope..there is no such rules, so anyway..lots of things happened during the past two weeks..which i could not care less to tell you

i mish si saii♥♥..he slept early last night, baru tu boifren♥♥ ku tidur awl time inda skewl, psl ia oversleep, yathhh, maklum urang tua hehe sayang muniir♥♥♥

aiira signing out


Thursday, March 13, 2008 5:34 PM
Truth about AIIRA

Got this from Sahmi's page..
Let's find out whether it's true on me or not.

30 things. Truth about girls.

>1. When a girl says she's sad, but she isn't crying,it means she's crying in her heart. - maybe

>2. When she ignores you after you've done something wrong, it's best to give her some time to cool down before touching her heart with an apology. - nahh..maybe it is the best way coz wen you are mad, u tend to say stupid tings, tings that u might regret saying but i do not like it

>3. A girl can't find anything to hate about the guy she loves (which is why it is so hard for her to 'get over him' after the relationship's over.) - not me

>4. If a girl loves a guy, he will always be on her mind every minute of the day, even though she flirts with other guys. - true but saii♥♥ i wont flirt hehe

>5.When the guy she likes smiles and stares deep into her eyes, she will melt. - so true

>6. A girl likes to hear compliments, but usually is not sure how to react to them. - true i like compliment but i do know how to react to it

>7. When a particular guy flirts with a girl very often, a girl would start thinking the guy likes her. So if you treat a girl just as a friend,go easy on the smiles and stare 'okie? - sometimes

>8. If you don't like a girl who likes you, break it to her gently. - yup..girl's hart is quite breakable

>9. If a girl starts avoiding you after you reject her, leave her alone for a while. If you still treat her as a friend, talk to her. - never been rejected haha but it is true

>10. Girls enjoy talking about what they feel. Music, poetry,drawings and writing are ways of expressing themselves (which explains why most girls like writing journals). - yup yup

>11. Never tell a girl that she is useless in any way. - yup yup

>12. Being too serious can turn a girl off. - so true

>13. When the guy she likes calls her for the first time, the girl may act uninterested during the call. But as soon as the phone is back on the hook, she will whoop with joy and immediately start telephoning her friends to spread the news. - not true

>14. A smile means a lot to a girl. - i think so

>15. If you like a girl, try making friends with her first.Let her get to know you. - so so true, remains me of si saii♥♥

>16. If a girl says she can't go out with you because she has to study, leave. - so true

>17. But if she still calls you or expect a call from you, stay. - right

>18. Don't try to guess a girl's feelings. Ask her. - it depends

>19. Hearing the words "I love you" is a great reassurance to a girl that she is beautiful. - not me

>20. After a girl falls in love with a guy, she'll wonder why she never noticed him before. - so right

>21. If you need tips on how to flirt with a girl, read romance stories. - lame~

>22. When class pictures come out, a girl would first look at the girl next to her crush before actually looking at herself. - so not true, i will always look at my picture first hehe

>23. A girl's ex-crush will always be in her memory, but the guy she loves now stays in her
heart. - i do remember my crush but not always in my hart.. not even rarely

>24. Girls love having fun! - soooo true

>25. A simple 'Hi' can brighten a girl's day. - yup

>26. A girl's best friends usually know best what she is feeling and going through. - maybe

>27. Girls hate it when a guy pays attention to them just to get close to their 'prettier'
friend. - hmmmm..not sure how i will feel

>28. Love means devotion, caring and happiness to a girl,in that order. - Love has lots of meaning

>29. Some girls care about looks, some care about brains, but ALL girls want a guy who will love and care for them. - yup yup

>30. Girls want nothing more than to feel loved. - right


10:54 AM
mana sii .....

then..begossip2..bla bla bla
apa yg lucah ah?? mna da oh..

where r u? miss u..


Monday, March 10, 2008 10:31 PM
si panjang~








nah! ada nama mu evrywer sahmi..haha


Saturday, March 8, 2008 6:47 PM

Happy Anniversary Love!

I love you forever babe & only God knows how much I love you…

Thank God, I found you.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008 11:19 PM
X-clusives..Behind the scenes!!



Barang2 gubahan 4 hantaran...
Kem2 yg sedang d pasang...


10:52 PM
Hapy BuFday Usu Aji!!!!

Sory lambat memberi sooOOoooOOo Buzy!!!hehehe anyways hapy buttday 2 ma usu aji..hapy2 olweys..stay kewl n funny n bahagia wif ur future wife..we olweys lub u...kekeke ucapan ini ikhlas dari ur cutie niece(sp?) n ur family...

Pix2 ani..activiti2 kami tad..hehehe mls kan ceta post pixs ja..oke kan fwends?hehehe

p/s: Hapie anniversary 2 Zaty olso.. :P


9:35 PM
Wednesday, 5th March 2008, 9.35 pm

Status : Eppy-iest, in Love & mishing my muniir♥♥♥
Fantasy : Holding his hand, hugging him tightly, gazing into his eyes, well..just to be beside him will feel like heaven..
Reality : CO-ing, preparing my so unfinished slides


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 8:49 PM
Tuesday, 4th March 2008, 8.49 pm

Status : Cranky, moody & bored to death
Fantasy : Sleeping
Reality : CO-ing, preparing slides for presentation


Monday, March 3, 2008 2:22 PM

Im proudly announced that i PASS my driving test!!
*well,wit abit of flirting plng tu wit the pengawas* haha..nada bah!
Yeaa... i faced my FEAR! XD
puas kmu?suka kmu?epy kmu?haha..yea im heppy too..cikit.
Thanks to Uncle Abdullah && never though that i'd say this,but yea..thanks to Achong as well!
thanks to eberybody lah haha..abis ceta.
Bah mai lanja aku!! aira juaaa
&& aizah tenkQ psl nda pacah kan rasia ku aku ambil class lesen! & Lan♥ for lending me ur car.
haha..mcm2..bah babai


Saturday, March 1, 2008 11:16 PM

Define today-one word;buzy
Early morning...she wakes up..knock knock knock on the door..HAHA.Classic i loikee.
YEAAA! Man Utd 've scored their 1st goal just now.Thnks sii no.4!

Let's see..what did i do today..mostly aku melakat with Lan belangkas(sp?) or lyke magnet.Lan steel aku magnet..or or Lan North aku South! Lame~ i know..kinda free so bru th post smting.psl nya kan tidur p kna tgur saturday nyte kan tidur awl harhar..

GOAL lagieeeee... tq si korean!! jiran ku dulu tu..kazen jauh mama ku.. Nasib CR7 nda main..mun ia main ia saja tu score kan huehehehe :8)
keh smbung ceta balik

Oh..btw..ari ani reunion intake preU2 smsa (2006-2007),Yush bwa aku,p aku nda ready,gpun da Lan jua menemani ku..p cam ciuk ku dgr ada lucky draw..tonton wyg..hmm..
Taun dpn th aku join intake 2007-2008 punya reunion.HAHA.nda calie.malah membosan kan.

bah babaiii


10:13 PM

Hi peeps

i just woke up from my 3 hour nap and macam indah sungguh tido ku atu berabis. ahahah. anie nunggu Aizah chat ngan gue pi malar tdc usulnya ia ah. today so much things happened in school. my friend was faking orgasm next to me and mebari gali. and bayi kali. ahaha. atu patut jua di sumpah bayi. ahahah.

and kana marah jua ku sa Power Lab tadi ah, sal Wolverine tu suruh buat laju2 sampai mata ku jadi paning lehnya and the reason why ya suruh laju2 panya ya kan breakfast. apakan ia ah. tugasnya jua tu untuk ngajar. anie nda pedah2 plang kana marahi sal betabiat and salah sikit. wtf?

went to the mall with Zul ths afternoon. meround2 kami and Zul bought me Twix. makan chocolate saja ta ku nie mikin bulat ta ku karang. ahahaha. then main netball di mall. eheheh. siuk laa. pastu kami jalan macam train. apakan? i was walking behind him and making sound "put put dush dush" ahahaha. macam anak damit.

then we met Ajis and Ina. 2 greatest minds in the world. ahahah. zul gave them Twix macam kanak2 yang dapat trick or treat. ahahah. kiyut wa baby ku ah. anie tido da ya kali. i have assignments kan di buat. mebe in a while g kali kan ku buat. heheh.

bah that's all for now and have a great weekend every one
